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Christ Church Stewardship Plan
Winnetka, Illinois
2006 Stewardship Plan


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss our overall approach to Stewardship at Christ Church, and specifically to establish a strategic plan for the 2005 Stewardship Campaign.

Based on recommendations from the Diocese, examples of successful stewardship campaigns from other parishes, and our own opinions about what might work at Christ Church, we took a holistic look at our stewardship campaign to assess whether our approach could be modified to more effectively serve the long-term needs of the Church and the parish. That perspective took the discussion into strategic areas that are related to, but not necessarily limited to, stewardship.


There were three primary strategic areas that we explored in our discussion:

  1. Christ Church needs a Vision

We discussed the importance of a long-term vision that is clearly articulated and understood by the parish as the inspiration for all Church activities, especially the stewardship program. Specifically, we recommend:

  • Developing a "Vision Task Force" to be charged with developing and communicating a vision for the parish. The Task Force responsibility would be to examine and articulate what specifically is important to us as a parish community, what our strengths and challenges are, what core values define us as a parish, what we could accomplish if we had more resources, what our long-term goals are, etc.

  • Considering some research among key segments of the parish to better understand the nature of their spiritual, practical and financial relationship with Christ Church, their understanding of key Church principles and values (like stewardship), and how well parishioners feel we currently serve their needs. These could be focus groups or one-on-one interviews. The findings from this research could be instrumental in developing the long-term vision and future stewardship programs.

  1. A well articulated vision can act as an ongoing stimulus for increasing pledge participation

Over the long term, Stewardship and the vision are synergistic. The Vision will fuel stewardship activities and stewardship activities will be instrumental in delivering the vision. Therefore, in constructing both the Vision Task Force and our long-term stewardship infrastructure, we need to ensure that there are links between the two.

  1. We should be planning for the long-term, but we still have to deliver immediate financial goals.

As we work to adopt a longer-term planning perspective this year, we also recognize that we still need to meet specific financial objectives for Christ Church this year. Therefore, our goal is evolve a more strategic, spiritually-based approach to stewardship with a 3-5 year perspective, but concurrently to implement short-term strategies and tactics that ensure that we meet this year’s stated objectives.


The following preliminary plan for 2005 was agreed to in the meeting, subject to input and approval from the Clergy and appropriate Vestry members:


  1. Better educate the parish on the true definition and spiritual benefits of Stewardship

  2. Increase pledge levels from parishioners who already give

  3. Increase overall participation (currently just over 50%) from active congregation

  4. Establish relationship with new members that inherently stimulates systematic giving

Overall Campaign Strategy

To meet these goals we agreed to a three-pronged strategy:

  1. Segmentation: We will identify segments within the parish and develop strategies and messaging for each one based on their and current pledging behavior and Church relationship. Preliminary target segments identified in our meeting were:

  1. Top 50 Pledgers

  2. "High Potential" pledgers (regularly pledge but could potentially do more based on their involvement in the church)

  3. New Members

4) Non-pledgers

  1. Education: We will seek to 1) redefine stewardship as a personal ministry with a biblical foundation 2) clarify the difference between stewardship and charitable giving, and 3) provide tools that challenge parishioners to examine the true significance of the Church in their lives and priorities.

  2. Communication: We will develop an integrated communications plan that takes advantage of various communication channels as appropriate for each segment, and delivers a consistent message over time regarding stewardship. This campaign will begin in September, and have an ultimate goal of reinforcing the stewardship message throughout the year, not just during the Fall Canvass period.

2005 Core Message

Stewardship is not purely a financial practice – it’s a personal spiritual discipline.

  • All that we are – and all that we have – are gifts from God.

  • How we use all of those gifts (time, talent, treasure) determine our values and reveal the quality of our relationship with God.

  • "The measure you give will be the measure you get back." Luke 6:38

Campaign Components

  1. Mailing #1—"What does it mean to be a steward?"

    1. Content: Letter to whole parish with brochure or fact sheet redefining stewardship as a spiritual lifestyle that is primarily about your individual relationship with God.

    2. Signed By: Rector

    3. Timing: Arrives in-home week after Labor Day

  1. Mailing #2 – "What does your relationship with (Christ) the Church mean to you?"
    1. Content: Letter versioned by segment, possibly with testimonials from parishioners about what Christ Church has meant to them and how they fulfill their stewardship responsibilities, and "Priority Assessment Vehicle" that helps people evaluate how they currently allocate their gifts (time, talents and treasure) vs. how God wants them to.

    2. Signed By: Vestry Member(s) or Stewardship Co-chairs

    3. Timing: End of September

  1. Mailing #3 – Pledge Solicitation

    1. Content: Letter versioned by segment, including specific "ask" amount, and identifying some tangible and compelling goals of the Church that need funding

    2. Signed By: Stewardship Co-Chairs

    3. Timing: mid-October

  1. Personal Visits

    1. Target: Top 50 Pledgers and select others identified to have significant potential

    2. Timing: June through October

    3. Conducted by: Clergy and selected Vestry Members

  1. Phone Calls

    1. Target: "High Potential Pledgers"

    2. Callers: Stewardship Co-Chairs and Selected Parishioners

    3. Timing: Beginning just after Solicitation Mailing

  1. Statement Messages or Inserts

    1. Either printed on statements or as a separate insert during the year.

    2. Content: Reinforce spiritual nature of pledging, highlight church ministries that require funding/support

    3. Timing: 4X/year

  1. Follow Up Mailing

    1. Target: Parishioners who have not pledged

    2. Content: Reminder to make pledges, possibly a postcard

    3. Timing: December 2005 or January 2006 (maybe both?)

  1. Other Available Communication Channels

    1. Homilies

    2. Display in Church House and Parish Office

    3. Adult Forum

    4. Website

    5. Parish Paper

    6. Sunday Bulletin


View Christ Church's Personal Stewardship Worksheet

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